Pretty cool.
Nice to see a new thing onto newgrounds. Would be nice to see you make a bunch of short movies like this. Better then usually flash movies. Thought it was good. The ending was funny up until you couldn't really understand what the troll like wife said.
I like it because I had no clue you know something like that would happen. I thought it was a Zombie or something...due to I love zombies....they are my life!
Now what I'd like to see from you is a short horror film, ...preferably a zombie horror film. LoL I am making a zombie film but not for newgrounds...and I like to see how other people would make one, like how they'd do the story, and get the movie to revolve around the characters and such. Also it's always neat to see how they want the zombie's make up to look and all the cool effects they wanna have to.
Keep up the good work,